“If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”

Edward Hopper

Stick Drawings








Endometriosis Awareness Month

I wonder how many more years
women will hear there is no cure.
I wonder how many torturing pains
women will have to endure.

I wonder how many nights women will cry
for not being able to have their child.
I wonder how many days will have to pass
to see them crushed and suffering piled.

I wonder how many wombs will be lost
and how many IVFs will be done.
I wonder when we will see change
and when this fight will be won.

I wonder when the day will come
when bodies are treated as a whole.
Addressing diet, addressing products,
addressing people and the past, addressing all.

I wonder what we all can do,
to fight for change, to fight for cure.


Butterfly Beauty

Copyright © Hana Buchalíková Bujňáková

Acrylic colors

H-TB s.r.o.


Dr.rer.nat. Hana Buchalíková Bujňáková

Email: hanagbeauty@gmail.com

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